The unBelievable Stories Starter Pack


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Show your child how to write fantastic stories step-by-step in exactly the structure schools are looking for

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Suitable for 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ exams. Common Entrance.

This pack is part of our top-selling unBelievable Stories series.


  • 8 simple ingredients your child can use for every story type 
  • A fun mnemonic to make it easy to remember even in an exam situation   
  • Exercises to help your child identify the 8 ingredients in A-grade stories themselves 
  • Step-by-step planners for both 'problem' stories AND recounts about special days and holidays  
  • Checklists for both story types, so you can mark your child's stories and easily show them what they're doing well and where they need to improve?

The unBelievable Stories Series is suitable for children 6 and up and has been designed with the 7+, 8+, and 11+ exams in mind to help them write creative, yet structured, stories that deliver what top schools are looking for. 

This pack is especially useful if your child:

  • Has lots of ideas but gets frustrated getting them down on paper
  • Is using overly simple vocabulary, expressions or plots 
  • Tends to go off on wild tangents
  • Writes too much action and not enough description 
  • Loses marks because of poor presentation?

This is not just a list of story titles, this pack addresses each of the 4 stages of successful story-writing: Planning, Writing, Marking and Improving. 

Help your child write fantastic stories confidently and consistently. 

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